29 Ağustos 2011 Pazartesi

541. Dünya Kupası X

Vladimir Akopian withdraws from World Chess Cup due to leg fracture

PanARMENIAN.Net  - Grandmaster Vladimir Akopian has withdrawn from the 2011 World Chess Cup due to a leg fracture. According to armchess.am, the GM broke his leg several days ago and his doctor advised him against traveling. Thus, Armenia will be represented in Khanty-Mansiysk, Russia, by grandmasters Sergei Movsisian and Arman Pashikyan.

540. Dünya Kupası IX

Neuer WM-Zyklus mit Weltcup in Chanty Mansijsk gestartet


Die gute Nachricht zuerst: Die Schachwelt kann hoffen, dass Magnus Carlsen seinen nächsten Anlauf um den Weltmeistertitel nicht abbrechen wird. Die FIDE kehrt nämlich im neuen WM-Zyklus 2011-2013 zum bewährten System eines WM-Kandidatenturniers zurück. Acht Spitzenspieler wird es vorbehalten sein, in einem doppelrundig ausgetragenen finalen Turnier den Herausforderer um die Schachkrone zu ermitteln. Allerdings ist es ein äußert schwerer Weg, um letztlich zu diesen "Auserwählten" zu gehören. Am leichtesten hat es fraglos der Verlierer des WM-Matches Anand-Gelfand, das im Mai kommenden Jahres in Moskau stattfinden wird. Wenn er denn noch einmal Lust hat, was abzuwarten bleibt. Dazu kommen die drei Erstplatzierten des Weltcups 2011 und ein Vertreter der Gastgeberföderation des WM-Kandidatenturniers sowie die drei besten Spieler der Weltrangliste, sofern sie sich nicht schon nach den vorhergehenden Kriterien qualifiziert haben. In jedem Fall ist das eine klare Ansage - auch für die Nummer 1 der Schachwelt Magnus Carlsen... Im westsibirischen Chanty Mansijsk lautet ab heute erst einmal das Motto 3 aus 128 - und das im erbarmungslosen wie nach wie vor umstrittenen K.o.-System. Zwei reguläre Partien, bei Gleichstand dann Schnell- und Blitzschach-Tiebreak. Nach jeweils drei Tagen ist eine Runde vorbei, wer verliert fliegt, wobei es in Runde 1 immerhin ein "Trostpflaster" von 6000 US-Dollar vom Preisgeld in Höhe von insgesamt 1,65 Millionen Dollar gibt. Allerdings müssen davon noch 20 Prozent an die FIDE abgeführt werden, sodass wohl gerade so eine schwarze Null übrig bleiben sollte. Dabei sein ist also in diesem Fall sicher alles - und für die drei Glücklichen am Ende sogar mehr! Das Feld der 128 Teilnehmer - darunter sind mit Judit Polgar und der amtierenden chinesischen Weltmeisterin Hou Yifan nur zwei Frauen - ist jedenfalls allererste Klasse. Von den Top-Großmeistern, die diese Chance fürs WM-Kandidatenturnier nutzen könnten, fehlen lediglich Magnus Carlsen, Levon Aronjan, Wladimir Kramnik, Hikaru Nakamura und Wesselin Topalow. Das erstgenannte Trio setzt fraglos darauf, zum elitären Kreis der drei Besten in der Elo-Rangliste zu gehören, während beim Bulgaren zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt die einzige Hintertür wäre, dass dank ECU-Präsident Danailow sein Land als Gastgeber das WM-Kandidatenturniers ausrichtet. Warum der einstige FIDE-Weltmeister so hoch pokert, ist nicht bekannt. Das gilt gleichermaßen für Hikaru Nakamura, die aktuelle Nummer 6 der Weltrangliste (Stand: 1. Juli). Deutschland ist in Chanty Mansijsk lediglich durch Daniel Fridman (Elo 2659) vertreten. Der 35-Jährige, der sich seinen Platz bei der Europameisterschaft im Frühjahr im französischen Aix-les Bains sicherte, ist auf der Setzliste auf Rang 62 geführt in der allein 26 Aktive aus Russland vertreten sind. Das bringt ihm zumindest für Runde 1 mit Constantin Lupulescu (Elo 2650) einen nicht unbedingt leichten Auftaktgegner. Der acht Jahre jüngere Rumäne, der in der Bundesliga an Brett 1 für die SG Trier spielt, ist dreifacher Landesmeister und bildet bei Team-Wettbewerben mit Ex-Europameister Liviu-Dieter Nisipeanu eine starke Doppelspitze. Wie uns Daniels Frau Anna Zatonskich - die jüngst erneut USA-Landesmeisterin wurde - durchaus optimistisch mitteilte, fühlt sich unser deutscher Kandidat ganz gut. So hat Daniel, dessen Lebensmittelpunkt Bochum ist, am letzten Wochenende noch das "Elfmeterschießen" bei einem, Schellschachturnier in Herne trainiert - und es gewonnen. Mit dem Weltcup-Modus, der häufig einer Glückslotterie gleicht, müssen freilich alle leben, also auch die Top 10-Spieler Sergej Karjakin, Wassili Iwantschuk, Schachrijar Mamedjarow, Ruslan Ponomarjow, Wugar Gaschimow, Alexander Grischuk. Teimur Radjabow, Gata Kamski, Peter Swidler und Dmitri Jakowenko. Auf den Ausgang dieses Knockout-Spektakels von Chanty Mansijsk, das mehr als einen Monat fraglos das bestimmende Thema der Schachwelt sein wird (27. August bis 20. September) dürfen wir in jedem Fall gespannt sein. Und natürlich fiebern wir mit unserem Daniel mit und drücken ihm für ein erfolgreiches Abschneiden kräftig die Daumen! Wie schwer es jedoch bereits in Runde 1 sein kann, zeigt die folgende erste Partie, die nach nur 16 Zügen remis endete. Taktieren ist wohl doch angesagt, bloß keine Fehler machen, oder?!

Weiß: Fridman, D. [Deutschland] Schwarz: Lupulescu, C. [Rumänien]
Angenommenes Damengambit [D27]

1.d4 Sf6 2.Sf3 d5 3.c4 e6 4.Sc3 dxc4 5.e3 a6 6.a4 c5 7.Lxc4 Sc6 8.0-0 Le7 9.dxc5 0-0 10.Sg5 Lxc5 11.Sge4 Le7 12.b3 Dc7 13.La3 Td8 14.Sxf6+ Lxf6 15.Dc2 Le7 16.Lxe7, und Weiß bot remis, das Schwarz annahm! [1/2]

Interessant sind die folgenden Anmerkungen von Daniel Fridman, die er unmittelbar nach dem Ende der Partie machte: Im 9. Zug habe ich statt dxc5, was den Damentausch zulässt, auch 9.De2 spielen können. Allerdings ist die Stellung nach 9. ...cxd4 10.Td1 e5 11.exd4 exd4 12.Sxd4 Sxd4 13.De5 Dd6 völlig ausgeglichen. 10. Sg5 war möglicherweise nicht so gut. Besser wäre vielleicht 10.b3 gewesen. Mit 15....Sa5 hätte Schwarz einen Bauern gewinnen können. Allerdings dürfte Weiß nach meiner Einschätzung ausreichendes Spiel bekommen, beispielsweise: 16.Tac1 Sxc4 17.bxc4 Dxc4 19.Se4 Dxc2 20.Sxf6+ gxf6 21.Txc2. Weiß will mit a5 den Damenflügel festlegen und dürfte genug Spiel haben. Allerdings könnte Schwarz 21. ...Td5 spielen worauf 22.Le7 folgt. Nun hat Schwarz zwei Alternativen; a) auf 22. ...f5 folgt 23. Tc3, und es drohe 24.e4 nebst Tg3+ und Lf6 matt. b)auf 22. ...Kg7 könnte Weiß 23.f4 spielen und versuchen, mit 24.Tf3 gegen den schwarzen König zu spielen. Wenn Schwarz mit dem Turm nach d7 geht, bringe Weiß den Läufer nach d4 und dürfte ausreichendes Spiel für den Bauern haben. In der Partie habe ich nach 15. ...Le7 16.Lxe7 keine Chance auf Spiel gegen den gegnerischen König gesehen. Strukturell ist die Stellung am Damenflügel sogar eher etwas schlechter für Weiß, so dass ich Remis geboten habe. Anna, die unmittelbar nach der Partie keine Gelegenheit hatte, mit ihrem Mann zu sprechen, meinte, dass Lupulescu diese Variante noch nie gespielt hat und somit Daniel bereits in der Eröffnung überraschte. Er habe dann sicherlich entschieden, eine sichere Behandlung der Stellung den scharfen Varianten mit beispielsweise 5.e4 vorzuziehen... Abschließendes Fazit des Beobachters aus der Ferne: Ich denke, hier geht es einfach um zuviel, als dass in den Paarungen mit gleichstarken Spielern - zumal in Runde 1 - einer ein zu großes Risiko eingeht.

539. Dünya Kupası VIII.

FIDE World Cup Khanty Mansiysk 2011 (1.1)

Shankland shocks Leko on first day of FIDE World Cup

Mark Crowther - Sunday 28th August 2011

Peter Leko's loss with white in the final game to finish against Sam Shankland was the big shock of the day, especially as it was he that was pressing most of the time. Wang Yue will need to beat Alexandr Fier with white after being well beaten. There were wins for amongst others Karjakin, Ivanchuk, Mamedyarov, Ponomariov, Gashimov, Grischuk, Radjabov, Kamsky, Jakovenko, Almasi, Vallejo, Navara, Dominquez, Le, Adams, Shirov, Jovava, Caruana, Nepomniachtchi etc. The official video coverage with pictures and English commentary was excellent. The first day of the FIDE World Cup in Khanty-Mansiysk offered few real surprises. The seeding system meant that the top seed Sergey Karjakin played bottom seed Mejdi Kaabi, 2nd seed Ivanchuk played Henry Steel etc. So most surprises occurred on the lower boards where the most closely ranked players met. Indeed 13 of the top 14 seeds all won. There were some minor surprises in Darcy Lima's draw against Peter Svidler and in form Alexander Morozevich's failure to win as white against Stelios Halkios. Alexandr Fier (2566) scored the first real shock against Wang Yue. Fier simply outplayed Wang on the white side of a Slav. The major shock, and one that will be difficult to recover from, was Peter Leko's loss with white to Sam Shankland. Leko pressed for a very long time but at some point after the first time control he started to get frustrated. Then very quickly Shankland took advantage and by the time Leko thought to offer a draw his position was probably beyond fixing. Shankland is probably a little under-rated playing most of his chess in the US and Leko a little out of practice having only returned for the Olympiad. The tightness of the schedule for the French players may cost them, their national championships only finishing a couple of days ago. Vachier and Bacrot drew, Feller lost and only Fressinet won. The early rounds of the World Cup are very difficult to cover properly. Henry Steel played with good energy against Vassily Ivanchuk but was probably a lot worse throughout and eventually allowed a nice mate. Judit Polgar grabbed material at the expense of an open king but she held on to everything on the way to a nice win. Those were just a couple of games that caught my eye. The official site started reasonably well with the promise of much better to come. The downside was that it went down a couple of times during the day. But the videos and live games are on separate servers and they remained very much stable. The continuation of the video coverage that was seen in the Candidates was hugely encouraging. With so many players it was difficult to get close to the games but the filming gave a good impression of the crowded conditions that will thin considerably in the next few days. Anna Sharevich and Konstantin Landa did an excellent job in commentating in English (there was a separate Russian feed) and there was some coverage of press conferences and Anna Sharevich provided a more than acceptable translation. One could hardly ask for more.

538. Dünya Kupası VII

World Chess Cup, the second day: huge Chinese woes

Tuesday, 30 August 2011 04:49

The second day of the World Cup in Khanty-Mansiysk brought the Chinese chess players sheer disappointments. First of all the Grandmaster Wang Yue with rich experience who is taking the 35th position in the World Rating List did not manage to revenge the young Alexander Fier from Brazil. The Latin-American Grandmaster who was satisfied with the draw playing Black chose unexpected tactics: he preferred huge complications to the defense. Wang Yue sacrificed the quality and converted the game into the endgame where he counted on the potential of his bishops and the rash action of his passing pawn. However, Fier managed to activate his pieces and got a satisfactory counterplay. The fellow-members of the national Chinese team that took the second place in the World Championship in Ninbo in June are leaving Khanty-Mansiysk with Wang Yue. Li Chao playing Black lost to the Vietnamese Grandmaster Nguyen Ngoc Truong Son and Yu Yangyi playing White lost to Mircea-Emilian Parligras from Romania. From that “sliver” team composition Liren Ding is the only one to continue his fight in tie-break – he drew both games against Wesley So from Philippines. Let us remind you that the woes of the Chinese team started from the moment when their leader Wang Hao had to cancel his participation due to the health problems. The Women’s World Champion Hou Yifan had to demonstrate her insisting resistance to Sergei Movsesian (ARM), but lost the second game as well. Zhou Jianchao lost to the Ukrainian Anton Korobov once again. Except Ding Liren there will be only Ni Hua who will continue in tie-breaks since he drew twice against Ildar Khairullin. From this numerous Chinese delegation only Bu Xiangzhi has ensured himself the ticket to the 2nd Round so far – he won the 1st game against Ahmed Adly and the latter missed the 2nd one due to his sickness. As we have already informed, Adly got under medical treatment in the hospital where the doctors removed the renal calculus from his left kidney, thus nothing is threatening his health and in two days he will depart home. The Hungarian Grandmaster Peter Leko is also leaving Khanty-Maniysk who did not manage to play off playing Black against Samuel Shankland (USA). Striving for complications, Leko had to recklessly play the opening thus over passed all possible risks. Shankland reacted in a logical and strong way and therefore took the advantage and made his opponent offer a draw. As for other results, it is worth speaking about the victory of the Brazilian IM Diego Rafael Di Berardino over Gata Kamsky (USA), the one of the Grandmaster Cori Jorge from Peru over Spanish Francisco Vallejo Pons and French Sebastien Feller over Viorel Iordachescu (MDA). The score in these matches equaled and the opponents will continue fighting in tie-breaks. Alexander Morozevich (RUS) and Stelios Halkias (GRE), Nikita Vitiugov and Alexei Bezgodov, Mikhail Kobalia and Igor Lysyj (all from Russia), Etienne Bacrot (FRA) and Ray Robson (USA) also postponed the matches for the third day to clarify their positions. Totally there will be 17 additional matches on 30 August. We would like to remind you that tie-breaks are played in two games with the time control of 25 minutes for all moves plus 10 seconds for every move. If they still do not determine the winners, there will be two games with the time control of 10 minutes until the end of the game plus 10 seconds for every move. Then if necessary there will be two blitz games (5 minutes until the end of the game plus 3 seconds for every move). In the outermost case there will be a decisive game “till the result” (i.e. Armageddon): White have 5 minutes and Black – 4 (with additional 3 seconds for every move starting from the move 61 where the draw is equaled to the victory of Black. Many players note that they are impressed by ultra-modern Ugorian Chess Academy where they have perfect conditions for playing. All the games of the World Cup are broadcast live and accompanied by Grandmasters commentaries both in Russian and English. Also computer analysis of the strongest worldwide Houdini program is provided.

537. Dünya Kupası VI

Liem gets off to winning start

Updated August, 30 2011 08:40:00

HA NOI — Viet Nam's top chess player, Le Quang Liem, won his first match at the World Chess Cup 2011 in Khanty Mansiysk, Russia, on Sunday. Liem, who has an Elo rating of 2,715, defeated Susanto Megaranto of Indonesia, who has an Elo rating of 2,544, in just 58 moves. Meanwhile, Nguyen Ngoc Truong Son, (Elo 2,637) drew with China's Li Chao B (Elo 2,669). No 1 seed Sergey Karjakin of Russia beat bottom-ranked player Meidi Kaabi of Turmenistan Tunisia. In other games, No 4 seed Ponomariov of Ukraine crushed 125th-ranked Robert Gwaze of Zimbabwe; while Hungary's JUdit Polgar, seeded 33, defeated Fidel Corrales Jimenez of Cuba, seeded 99. Alexander Ivanov, from the US, who has an Elo rating of 2,538 and is seeded 117, got a bye through to the next round when Hao Wang (Elo 2,718), the 17th seed from China, withdrew at the last minute. Similarly, India's Parimarjan Negi, seeded 71, got a bye to the next round when No 58 seed Vladimir Akopian of Armenia withdrew. — VNS   

Your move: Le Quang Liem (right) wins his first match at the World Chess Cup 2011 in Khanty Mansiysk, Russia. — VNS Photo courtesy Le Quang Liem

Your move: Le Quang Liem (right) wins his first match at the World Chess Cup 2011 in Khanty Mansiysk, Russia. — VNS Photo courtesy Le Quang Liem

With few corrections. HT

536. 30 Ağustos Zafer Bayramı Turnuvası IX.

Aslanlar takımından Fevzi Değirmenci'den aldığım iletiyi ve yanıtımı alıntılıyorum:

Harun Bey selamlar, 30 Ağustos Zafer Bayramı turnuvasına gerçekten katılmayı istemiştim ama işlerim nedeniyle katılamadım.Turnuvada her ne kadar 4 puanda kalsanız bile bence başarılı bir performans gösterdiniz. Bu arada blogunuzda yorum ekleme kısmı kapalı durumda. Eğer açarsanız nacizane bir kaç yorum ekleyebilirim.

Sevgili müridim ;) Teşekkürler, benim bloga bir tek siz üye oldunuz. Anlı şanlı  Antalyalı satranççılardan başka bir tanesi bile alakadar olup üye olma zahmetine katlanmadı. Sizin blogu izliyorum ancak uzun süredir güncellenmedi. Yorumlarınızı, hoş fıkralarınızı da ekleyerek bana e-posta ile yollayabilirseniz, ben ayrı yazılar olaraktan bloglarım. Turnuvada 4 puan almak meselesine gelince: Malum, hakemler arasında size garezi olanlar varsa veya yazılarınızla eleştirdikleriniz size feci kızmışlarsa, eh 7. tur eşleştirmesi de ona göre oluyor. Son turda 1600-1700lük bir oyuncuyla oynamam gerekirken gene 2000lik bir oyuncuyla oynayıp kaybettim. Normal skor 4,5 ya da 5 olmalıydı. Hamiş:  Eylül ayı sonuna doğru, 2. İbrahim Şencan turnuvası varmış. Toplam ödül 3000+ lira olacakmış. Hazırlanınız :)   

535. Dünya Kupası V

(83) Moiseenko,Alexander (2715) - Esen,Baris (2543) [D52]
FIDE World Cup 2011 Khanty-Mansiysk RUS (1.2), 29.08.2011

1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.Nf3 Nf6 4.Nc3 e6 5.Bg5 Nbd7 6.e3 Qa5 7.cxd5 Nxd5 8.Qd2 Bb4 9.Rc1 0-0 10.Bd3 h6 11.Bh4 e5 12.0-0 Re8 [Relevant: 12...exd4 13.exd4 Re8 14.Rfe1 Rxe1+ 15.Rxe1 N7f6 16.Re5 b5 17.Bxf6 Nxf6 18.a3 Bd6 19.Ne4 Qxd2 20.Nxf6+ gxf6 21.Re8+ Kg7 22.Nxd2 Bb7 23.Rxa8 Bxa8 24.Nb3 Kf8 25.Be4 Ke7 26.Nc5 a5 27.g3 b4 28.axb4 axb4 29.Kf1 f5 30.Bxf5 Bxc5 31.dxc5 Kf6 32.g4 Ke5 33.Ke2 Kd4 34.h4 Bb7 35.f4 Ba6+ 36.Kf3 Kxc5 37.h5 Kd6 38.g5 Ke7 39.gxh6 Kf8 40.Ke4 c5 41.Kd5 c4 42.Kc5 Potkin,V (2612)-Askarov,M (2516)/Serpukhov 2007/EXT 2008/1-0] 13.Qc2 exd4 14.Nxd5 Qxd5 15.Nxd4 Nb6N [Predecessor: 15...Ne5 16.Be4 Qd6 17.a3 Ba5 18.Rfd1 Qf8 19.Bg3 Bg4 20.f3 Bh5 21.Nf5 Rad8 22.Rxd8 Bxd8 23.Be1 Be7 24.Qb3 Bc5 25.Qxb7 Bg6 26.Bb4 Bxb4 27.Qxb4 Qxb4 28.axb4 Bxf5 29.Bxf5 g6 30.Be4 Rb8 31.Rc5 Rb5 32.Kf2 Kg7 33.Ke2 Rxc5 34.bxc5 a5 35.Kd2 f5 36.f4 Nd7 37.Bxc6 Nxc5 38.Kc3 Kf6 39.Kc4 1-0 (39) Salvatore,C-Quiniou,J (2264)/ICCF email 1999/Corr 2002] 16.Rfd1 Qh5 17.Bg3 Bg4 18.f3 Bd7 19.Qf2 Be7 20.Bb1 g6 21.e4 c5 22.Ne2 Bf8 23.e5 Rxe5 24.Nf4 Qg5 25.Nxg6 Ree8 26.Nxf8 Kxf8 27.Rxc5 Qe3 28.Qxe3 Rxe3 29.Bf4 Re6 30.Rh5 1-0

534. 30 Ağustos Zafer Bayramı Turnuvası VIII. Dördüncü tur oyunum

(114) Taner,Harun (1740) - Gur,Safak (1441) [E00]
30 AGUSTOS ZAFER BAYRAMI TURNUVASI Deepo Satranc Merkezi ANTALYA (4.10), 27.08.2011

1.d4 e6 2.c4 d5 3.a3 Nf6 4.Nc3 Nc6 5.Bf4 Be7 6.e3 h6 7.Rc1 a6 8.c5 b6 9.b4 Nd7 10.Nf3 Bf6 11.Bd3 0-0 12.Bb1 e5 13.dxe5 Ndxe5 14.Nxd5 Be6 15.Qc2 Ng6 16.Nxc7 Bb3 17.Qxb3 Nxf4 18.Nxa8 Nxg2+ 19.Kf1 Nxe3+ 20.Qxe3 Qxa8 21.cxb6 Bb2 22.Qe4 f5 23.Qe6+ Kh8 24.Rxc6 Re8 25.Qd7 Rd8 26.Qc7 Rd1+ 27.Kg2 Rd5 28.b7 Qa7 29.Qc8+ Kh7 30.Bxf5+ g6 31.Rc7+ [31.Rc7+ Fritz 12: 31...Bg7 32.Be6 Qxf2+ 33.Kxf2 Rd2+ 34.Nxd2 h5 35.Qg8+ Kh6 36.Qxg7+ Kg5 37.Nf3+ Kf4 38.Rc4# #7/9 ] 1-0

Şafak Gür

533. 30 Ağustos Zafer Bayramı Turnuvası VII. Üçüncü tur oyunum

(74) Ozturk,Ali (1772) - Taner,Harun (1740) [A43]
30 AGUSTOS ZAFER BAYRAMI TURNUVASI Deepo Satranc Merkezi ANTALYA (3.4), 27.08.2011

1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 c5 3.d5 d6 4.Nc3 e6 5.e4 exd5 6.exd5 Qe7+ 7.Be2 g6 8.Nf3 Bg7 9.0-0 0-0 10.Bg5 h6 11.Bh4 g5 12.Bg3 Ne8 13.Re1 f5 14.h3 Qf7 15.Qc2 Nd7 16.Bd3 Nb6 17.Re2 Bd7 18.Rae1 a6 19.Re7 Qh5 20.Qb3 f4 21.Bh2 Bxh3 22.Qxb6 Bxg2 23.Kxg2 Qg4+ 24.Kf1 Qxf3 25.Be4 Qg4 26.Qxb7 f3 27.Bxf3 [27.Rd1 Rd8 28.Ke1 Bf6 29.Bh7+ Kh8 30.Rf7 Ng7 31.Rxf8+ Rxf8 32.Bd3+-] 27...Qxf3 28.Ne4 Bd4 29.Re2 Qh3+ 30.Kg1 Ng7!? [30...Qg4+! 31.Kf1 a) 31.Ng3?! Ng7! 32.Qd7 Qf3 33.Ne4 Rae8 34.Rxe8 Nxe8! (34...Rxe8 35.Nf6+ Qxf6 36.Rxe8+ Nxe8 37.Qxe8+ Kg7 38.Qd7+ Kg6 39.Qe8+ Kg7 40.Qd7+ Kg6=) 35.Kf1 Ng7 36.Qxd6 Rf4 37.Qg6 Qh1+ 38.Bg1 Qh3+ 39.Ke1 Qg2 40.Kd2 Qxg1-+; b) 31.Bg3 Rd8 32.Kf1 Qh5 33.Kg2 Qf3+ 34.Kf1 Qh5=; 31...Qh3+ 32.Kg1 Qg4+ 33.Kf1=] 31.Qd7 g4? [31...Qd3!? 32.Bxd6 Qxc4 33.Be5 (33.Bxc5 Rad8 34.Rxg7+ Bxg7 35.Qe6+ Kh8 36.Bxf8 Rxf8 37.Nc3 Qf4 38.Qe4 Qf6) 33...Qc1+ 34.Kg2 Bxe5 35.Rxe5 Qf4 36.Re7 Nf5 37.Qe6+ Kh8 38.d6~~; 31...Qf3!? 32.Re3 Qf5 33.Bxd6 Rad8 34.Rxg7+ Bxg7 35.Qxf5 Rxf5 36.Re2 Bd4~~] 32.Bxd6 Rad8 33.Rxg7+ Bxg7 34.Qe6+ Rf7 35.Bxc5 Qf3 36.Nd6 Rxd6 37.Bxd6 Bf6 38.Bg3 h5 39.Qe4 h4 40.Qxf3 gxf3 41.Re8+ Kh7 42.Be5 Bg5?! [42...Rg7+!? 43.Kh1 Bxe5 44.Rxe5 Rg2 45.d6 Rxf2 46.d7 Rd2 47.Rd5 f2 48.Kg2 h3+ 49.Kf1 h2 50.Rh5+ Kg6 51.Rxh2 Rxd7 52.Rxf2+-] 43.d6 Kg6 44.c5 Rf5 45.c6 Bh6 46.c7 Rg5+ 47.Kh1 Rg2 48.Rg8+ Kf5 49.Rxg2 fxg2+ 50.Kxg2 Kxe5 51.c8Q Kf4 52.d7 Bg5 53.d8Q h3+ 54.Kxh3 Kf3 55.Qg4+ Kxf2 56.Qf8+ Ke1 57.Qg2 Bf4 58.Qxf4 [58.Qxf4 a5 59.Qff1#] 1-0

Bir hamlede mat!

Ali Öztürk (1809 UKD, 1772 ELO) - Harun Taner

532. 30 Ağustos Zafer Bayramı Turnuvası VI. İkinci tur oyunum

(50) Taner,Harun (1740) - Akoglu,Huseyin Okan (1493) [E00]
30 AGUSTOS ZAFER BAYRAMI TURNUVASI Deepo Satranc Merkezi ANTALYA (2.15), 27.08.2011

1.d4 d5 2.Nf3 Nf6 3.c4 e6 4.a3 Be7 5.Nc3 0-0 6.Bf4 Nbd7 7.e3 Re8 8.Rc1 Nf8 9.Bd3 dxc4 10.Bxc4 Ng6 11.Bg3 Nh5 12.Ba2 Nxg3 13.hxg3 a6 14.Qc2 b6 15.Rh5 Bb7 16.Ke2 h6 17.Rch1 [17.Bxe6! fxe6 18.Qxg6+-] 17...Bf8 18.Bb1 Bxf3+ 19.gxf3 c5 20.dxc5 Bxc5 21.Ne4 Bf8 22.Rd1 Qb8 23.b4 Rc8 24.Qb2 Rd8 25.Rdh1 Qb7 26.g4 Rd5 27.g5 Rad8 28.gxh6 [28.Rxh6! gxh6 29.Nf6+ Kh8 30.Nxd5++-] 28...Rxh5 29.Rxh5 f5 30.hxg7 [30.Ng5! Qd7 31.h7+ Kh8 32.Qd4 Ne5 33.Qxd7 Rxd7 34.Nxe6+-] 30...Bxg7 31.Nf6+ Kf7 32.Rh7 siyahların süresi bitti 1-0

Hüseyin Okan Akoğlu

531. 30 Ağustos Zafer Bayramı Turnuvası V. Birinci tur oyunum

(16) Pektas,Necati (1231) - Taner,Harun (1740) [B01]
30 AGUSTOS ZAFER BAYRAMI TURNUVASI Deepo Satranc Merkezi ANTALYA (1.16), 27.08.2011

1.e4 d5 2.e5 Bf5 3.d4 e6 4.Nf3 Ne7 5.Nh4 Bg6 6.Bd3 Bxd3 7.Qxd3 c6 8.b4 Nc8 9.g3 Bxb4+ 10.Bd2 Be7 11.Qf3 Bxh4 12.gxh4 Qxh4 13.c3 Ne7 14.h3 Nf5 15.Rg1 h6 16.Rg4 Qe7 17.Bc1 c5 18.Ba3 b6 19.Nd2 Qc7 20.Nc4 0-0 21.Ne3 Ne7 22.dxc5 bxc5 23.Kd2 Na6 24.Rag1 Qxe5 25.Rxg7+ Qxg7 26.Rxg7+ Kxg7 27.Qg3+ Kh7 28.Ng4 f5 29.Ne5 Rad8 30.f4 d4 31.c4 Nb4 32.h4 a5 33.h5 Rg8 34.Qh4 Rg7 35.Ng6 Rd7 36.Ne5 Rb7 37.Qf6 Nxa2 38.Ng6 Nxg6 39.Qxe6 Nh4 40.Qe2 Rb3 41.Bc1 Nf3+ 42.Kc2 Rc3+ 43.Kb2 Nxc1 44.Qe4 Rg2+ 0-1

Fritz 12, üç hamlede mat bildiriyor.

Necati Pektaş - Harun Taner

530. Günlük Yaşam

Huricane Irene Doğu Sahili'ni vuruyor. Felaket bu kez korkulan boyutlara ulaşmadı.